Profiel van David Phillips

Get The Picture Direct Mail Promotion

Get The Picture

Direct marketing campaign inspired by the 2012 range brochure. 

A range of A5 cards are printed with some of the best calendar images of the season 
with the slogan get the picture, on the reverse is the actual calendar the image appears 
on with a call to action. A card container has been designed to hold eight cards that can be personalised to suite the potential customer.

The big picture concept has many positive word associations that are relevant in promoting the benefits of calendar advertising - what other form of advertising is welcomed, displayed and regularly enjoyed by the recipient?

Get the picture.

A5 CARDS & mailer 
Size: 153mm x 212mm 
Printing: Litho, 250gsm board  
Finishing: Overall matt laminate 

Get The Picture Direct Mail Promotion

Get The Picture Direct Mail Promotion
