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Kaomin Jewelry|第二季形象

『也許不曾注意乾枯枝椏上重生的一抹翠綠,但或許你曾被岩石斷面中的璀璨所奪目』 -

KAOMIN 最新第二季 主題『修復』 
from second collection - regeneration  
本季靈感來自生物學中的再生,「再生」的意思是生長、修復、重建的過程,如同生命的每段經歷的自省,形成更完美的象徵。 我們將再生的三個過程排列為首季至第三季,本季講述的是再生中的「修復」概念,在造型上有許多損傷和侵蝕,運用了表面處理技法使光澤度在視覺上形成高對比,被破壞的紋理如細胞滋生的意象,賦予本季極簡當代的最高質感。

Kaomin’s second collection draws inspiration from the nature and biology. In biology, the term “regeneration” is the process of growth, renewal and restoration; it is like the introspection of every life experience, forming a closer symbolization of perfection. The three phases of regeneration is arranged into the first season to the third, whilst using the “growth” concept of soft wax in the first season, the second season is focusing on the renewal process. Hence, in terms of conveying this concept to the audience, many damage and erosions in the shape can be found. The surface treatment uses a reflective finishing expressing the image of cell growth.

website :​​​​​​​

Jewelry Designer / photography  : 高玉米 (Kao Ym)
Graphic design : 李明剛
Makeup artist : 妍希
model : kevin

Kaomin Jewelry|第二季形象

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Kaomin Jewelry|第二季形象

『也許不曾注意乾枯枝椏上重生的一抹翠綠,但或許你曾被岩石斷面中的璀璨所奪目』 - KAOMIN 最新第二季 主題『修復』 from second collection - regeneration 本季靈感來自生物學中的再生,「再生」的意思是生長、修復、重建的 Další informace
