It Began With a Page: How Gyo Fujikawa Drew the Way by Kyo Maclear, Illus. by Julie Morstad
Enter any bookstore and you’ll find picture books in which children of all ethnicities play together, solve mysteries, and have adventures. However, that wasn’t always the case. Before and during the 1960s, children’s books would not mix characters of different colours. Racial segregation in North America impacted the cultural production of the period. Nevertheless, this changed, and in picture books it started with a Japanese American woman named Gyo Fujikawa. Read more.
The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon
It is said that sometimes, if you answer the right questions, you can fall in love with someone in just one day. People make life changing decisions in a matter of minutes that alter the course of your life; however, not all problems can be solved in less than 24 hours, can they? This is what Natasha Kingsley and Daniel Jae Ho Bae must find out in what might be the most important day in their lives. This and more will happen in The Sun is Also a Star, Nicola Yoon’s second bestselling-novel and upcoming motion picture. Continue reading.​​​​​​​
Blog Posts
A Run-through my Dyslexia 
In the first grade I had an activity where we had to go around tables and read a paragraph out of a book. Once you finished it you could move on to the next one. I remember just staring at these pages and their illustrations and not being able to understand the words while my classmates passed by me on to the next table. So instead of trying I pretended to know what was going on and imitated what my friends did. This sort of thing happened a lot in primary school. I didn’t participate much, I got nervous every time I had to read out loud and I loved going to the nurse’s office just because it would get me out of class. Read the full story. 
Teaching as Performance
To help students reach their academic success, Aaron Langille, from Laurentian University, approaches teaching as performance. He practices this approach as he finds it is “important to consider all the various ways students engage with our teaching.” For him, “it is not only content, it is also delivery.” Read more. 
Why sexual assault awareness month should matter to us all
Cultivating a safe campus environment involves educating the UBC teaching and learning community about sexual assault. On December 11, the SVPRO hosted a workshop during the CTLT Winter Institute. The workshop was attended by faculty, teaching assistants and staff who wanted to learn more about supporting students and responding to disclosures of sexual assault. Continue reading. 
Free textbooks, an open problem library and more open educational resources being developed at UBC
On October 1, UBC staff and faculty were invited to attend a panel discussion exploring experiences in implementing open educational resources (OER) projects at the University of British Columbia.
Christina Hendricks, academic director at the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology, moderated the panel, in her introduction she defined OER as “any teaching and learning resource that can be anything from a text, a reading, syllabus, or assignment directions, to videos, podcasts, and other digital objects that are licensed to allow re-use by others without asking direct permission from the copyright holder or revision by others and free of cost to do so.” Read the full story.

Writing Samples

Writing Samples
