Sculptural Graffiti piece #5V in vacant lot in front of the Sculpture Center, L.I.C.
Citicorp Building in the background of Sculptural Graffiti piece #5
view from behind of Sculptural Graffiti piece #5
Sculptural Graffiti piece #4 in Laguardia Landing Lights field
close up view of Sculptural graffiti piece#4
Sculptural Graffiti piece #1 left on the express platform of Union Square station
Sculptural Graffiti piece #3 installed up in a column at Union Square station
Sculptural Graffiti piece #8 installed under the BQE at Park Ave and Waverly Ave. Brooklyn
close up of Sculptural Graffiti piece #8
Sculptural Graffiti piece #2 installed on the ceiling  of Prince Street station
close up of Sculptural Graffiti piece #7 installed outside of Astoria Blvd. station
view from bellow of Sculptural Graffiti piece #7
long shot of Sculptural Graffiti piece #7
 Sculptural Graffiti piece #6 installed on Rector Street overpass
View from above of Sculptural Graffiti piece #6
close up of Sculptural Graffiti piece #6
Sculptural Graffiti Series

Sculptural Graffiti Series

This series of work was done in the 2012 and consisted of painted PVC pipes with extruded foam painted in enamel that were left in places as "una Rozwiń
