hill mann's profile

Intervent: Deliverables

// Intervent: Deliverables_
// The Deliverables that were produced for the project is broken into 3 segments:
- Exposure
- Information
- Understanding
1_ Exposure: To make people aware of the project, posters were created to gain the attention of the viewers, the posters inform the people about the project and also the location of the anamorphic outcome. Posters were inspired by blueprints of buildings.
2_ Information: Both the posters and the booklets that were produced informs the viewers about the summary of the enire project, make them understand and also see the different types of experiments that were done before coming to the final design.
3_ Understanding: The Creative Process Journal is to make viewers understand much more indepth of the whole project. From inspirations, to trials and also visual reasearch that were made during the entire process of the project. Even the thought process are reflected in the journal.
// Deliverables:
_Creative Process Journal
_ Boooklet(s)
// Creative Process Journal:

Documentation of thinking process and research on the project. Researched artists, test, experiments and literature review that were done for the assignment and the outcomes.

// Booklet(s):

A detailed information of the entire project in print. Details of the idea, the plan, the experiments, the trial and also the outcomes that were done for the assignment. To ensure that reader will have a clear understanding about the project.

// Poster(s):

Posters were made to help inform viewers about the project in a fast and impactful way. To make them understand what the project is about and at the same time help them inform about the location and how the outcome looks like.
Intervent: Deliverables

Intervent: Deliverables

Deliverables for project : Intervent
