Perfil de Joe Arrigo

Ketogenic Diet May Help Improve the Immune System

The recipient of a bachelor's degree in film and electronic arts from Cal State Long Beach, Joe Arrigo is a resource development manager at Modis in Sacramento, California, where he helps pair qualified candidates with IT and engineering firms. Away from work, Joe Arrigo's hobbies include physical activity and eating well. He follows the ketogenic diet, which, because of a lack of carbohydrate consumption, forces the body to burn fat to use as energy. This is a metabolic state known as ketosis.

Although most people follow the ketogenic diet as a weight-loss measure, new research suggests it could also boost one's immune system. Researchers at Yale University concluded this possibility after observing that mice that were fed a ketogenic diet fought off the flu better than those on a high-carb diet. Mice that were put on a ketogenic diet had a higher level of gamma delta T cells, which the researchers believe helped kill infected cells and increase mucus production in their lungs.

To confirm the immune system benefits were brought about by the state of ketosis and not just a generic low-carb diet, the researchers attempted to feed the mice a high-fat diet with 20 percent carbs as opposed to 1 percent. They also tested a high-fat, high-carb diet. Neither elevated gamma delta T cells enough to notice any benefits to the immune system.
Ketogenic Diet May Help Improve the Immune System
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Ketogenic Diet May Help Improve the Immune System

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