Weil Lis profil

Floating Island

Sport shoes Design. 
Graduation Project of Shih Chien University

2018 新一代設計展 產學合作 金獎
YODEX - Industry and student cooperation
- Gold Award


People who live on tropical islands often wear sports shoes without changing regularly during daytime. When it rains, the air circulation become worse due to the humid weather.

To deal with this problem, we came up with a pair of shoes that is able to improve the air by alternating the air circulation system inside the shoe, like a floating island upon the airflow.
This project try to put more elements of the local culture, climate into the sport product, that product design is not only to figure out the solution, but also connect our user with culture and ideology.
Designer: CHUNG WEI
Animation and Video Editor:CHUNG WEI
Cooperated Company: 翔鑫堡工業股份有限公司

Floating Island

Floating Island
