j. GULLOTTO's profile

JPL Babalon 1 : 4 : 9

JPL Rebranding
Babalon 1 : 4 : 9 Monolith Set /
3 - 1 : 4 : 9 Monolith Prints. approx. 24 x 54 in.
Branding JPL with Jack Parsons and the Occult
Jack Parsons was a founding member of JPL and Aleister Crowley's head apprentice at the OTO in Pasadena, Ca. He is also know for his Babalon workings, conjuring of the scarlet woman with L. Ron Hubbard (founder of the Church of Scientology),claiming to be the Anti-Christ, conjuring Pan at rocket experiments, and his run in with the FBI. Parson died in 1951 by an explosion from an experiment at his Pasadena home.
JPL Dit-Dah Logo
The logo spells JPL Morse code. In some forms of spirtiulality Morse code is used to contact spirits in seances.

JPL Babalon 1 : 4 : 9