Since 2016 the Sociomantic Design Team (later Creative Services at dunnhumby) was publishing a bi-weekly online magazine featuring industry news, design resources, team updates and the team's professional and personal projects. 

The magazine was an internal publication that reached a global team beyond design. Along with the regular editors, any team member could volunteer to curate an issue on a subject of their choice.

The magazine reached over 100 issues. The headers, which were updated monthly, were designed by members of the team. 

Editors: Karolina Faber, Chelsea Ikona, Niko Crncevic.

Covers & contributions from: Anastasiia Sukharkova, Andrew Murray, Caio Simao, Chelsea Ikona, Christos Atzinas, Deborah Böhm, Ekaterina Tuuri, Ellie Rastian, Erica Hernandez, Haerin Song, Hyun Ju Song, Jeroen Schuiten, Karolina Faber, Lucas Walker, Missy Yuan, Mihaela Nenescu, Niko Crncevic, Nurul Quraisyah, Sophie Kakouli, Vicca Ariya.
Vicca Ariya
Missy Yuan
Jeroen Schuiten
Christos Atzinas
Nurul Quraisyah
Chelsea Ikona
Karolina Faber
Ekaterina Tuuri
Anastasiia Sukharkova
Ekaterina Tuuri
Caio Simao
Ekaterina Tuuri
Mihaela Nenescu
Ekaterina Tuuri
Deborah Böhm
Karolina Faber
Missy Yuan
Jeroen Schuiten
Karolina Faber
Missy Yuan
Andrew Murray