Profil appartenant à Aman Madan

Audible Multimedia Campaign Featured on AdsOfTheWorld

It is a subscription service that lets you experience storytelling like never before by taking the best performers and pairing them with the world’s largest selection of audio books and podcasts. Members can be more productive or just escape to new places. They can do this on the go or any time their hands are busy but their mind is free (such as on a long drive, a daily commute or unwinding just before bed). Every genre imaginable is ready to be listened to and with a free 30-day trial, it’s easy and risk-free to get started.

Creative strategy 
To position Audible as the best possible solution to tackle the functional challenges people face while reading.  

Single minded proposition
Sometimes it's better when you listen.

Out of home(OOH)   
Conventional Radio(Hindi)
Spotify ad spot(English)
Print one-offs 
Social Media 
Instagram, twitter and Facebook post
Instagram and Facebook stories
Audible Multimedia Campaign Featured on AdsOfTheWorld
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Audible Multimedia Campaign Featured on AdsOfTheWorld

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