Born of ashes, bred of fire, with a heart of gold, rules the head of empire. 

The theomorphic king is a fantasy character; a king born the dragon and the phoenix, both worshipped as sacred figures in the east. 
The dragon represents "the spirit of the way," bringing eternal change; just like the phoenix who is eternally reborn from its ashes. They represent both aspects of the imperial power: the dragon as the emperor and the Phoenix as the empress. Together they signify "inseparable fellowship."

A God-like figure, the king’s hands are metamorphosed into dragon heads. The fan, trail and the colours in turn are all inspired by the fire bird that signifies the entire cosmos. The coins, cherry blossom, swords, musical flutes, learning tower and the rice bowls, are symbolic of the duties of an emperor - the valour, festivity, delicacies, learning and the rich culture of the east.

materials: net, tissue, velvet fabric with embroidery. cardboards, newspapers, wires, muslin, cords, plastic, metal, leather, beads and stones, straws, ribbon, paint

Deepit Chugh & Khushboo Shroff

The Theomorphic King- World of Wearable Art 2014
The Theomorphic King - World of Wearable Art- 2014 - Nelson Museum 
Media Coverage- the Theomorphic King- World of Wearable Art- 2014- New Zealand
BTS- The Theomorphic King- World of Wearable Art- 2014
Photography- Joy Dutta

The Theomorphic King

The Theomorphic King
