Mikhael Noah's profile

Red Hood and Artemis Costumes

First test fit for Red Hood. Helmet designed by myself, 3D sculpted by Boon Lee, printed through shapeways, and finished by me. The chest piece is a resin Batman Arkham Knight chest piece (purchased from creativestress on Instagram), that’s I altered to have a different bat, and be more flexible. Shoulders are carbon fiber casts of the SnakeEyes shoulders from GI Joe retaliation. The forearms are 3D printed, as are the glove details. 
Red Hood and Artemis
Artemis was mostly made from fabric wrapped foam. The chest, rib, and helmet pieces are all 2mm foam, wrapped in a red pleather fabric. The arm wraps were made by Angela Tondreau (modeling the costume) by sewing elastic straps to a compression sleeve, with an invisible zipper installed in the inseam. The boots are wonderwoman boots from Hot Topic that I repainted to match the characters current comic book color scheme.
Photo taken by M David Photography
Photo taken by M David Photography
Photo taken by M David Photography 
Red Hood and Artemis Costumes

Red Hood and Artemis Costumes
