At the beginning of last year, I had the pleasure to work with one of my favorite subjects and athletes in the Houston area. Bi "Killer Bee" Nguyen is a kickass MMA fighter and amazing spokeswoman for empowerment and strength. Her story is inspiring and her spirit is captivating. We wanted to capture a little bit of that and show both sides of her in a simple photoshoot. The badass, beautiful side that she brings to the ring and the softer side of her as a female fighter. Enjoy and be sure to check out the BTS shots at the bottom of the project. For more BTS and images, check out the blog post I wrote a few weeks back.
Some Behind the Scenes images for the two different setups.
The Duality of Bi

The Duality of Bi

A portrait project with MMA fighter Bi "Killer Bee" Nguyen to create some intimate portraits that captured both sides of her personality.
