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Design 360° Magazine No.78 DESIGNMAG: DESIGNMAG

Thirteen years have passed by since Design 360° was first established. During this time, it went through three phases of cover and editorial redesigns. Today, in the 21st century, new disciplines, new media, new culture, and new objects are continually evolving as well as developing, and so should magazines do: to everlastingly explore, to experiment, to go behind limitations, and to convey comprehensive experiences of design. Design 360° always focuses on design.

Choosing “Design Mag” as the theme of this issue has its significant meanings. The idea originated one day when editors came up with the question: “Design 360° as a design magazine on its own, why can’t we combine it with the rest of the major design magazines around the world, to collectively discuss the issue of ‘design magazines’?”. Therefore, this is the first special edition of Design 360° in 13 years, the first issue to discuss such similar topics, and, more importantly, a milestone attempt for Design 360°. “13” is a blooming number. Design 360° will keep its fresh, bold, and edgy essence, to present design comprehensively and will grow together with readers.

《Design 360°》雜誌創刊至今已有13年,這13年間經歷了3次大改版。21世紀的今天,新學科、新媒介、新文化、新事物,一切都在不斷變革和發展,雜誌也在不斷地探索和嘗試,跨越界線,傳遞設計的綜合性體驗。《Design 360°》一直專注於設計本身。

以“設計誌”作為這期特刊的主題,有著特別的意義。《Design 360°》本身就是一本設計雜誌,編者不禁發問,為什麼不把世界上的主要設計雜誌集在一起,共同探討“設計雜誌”這個主題呢?這是《Design 360°》13年來第一次發行特刊,以及第一次涉及這樣的主題。這對於《Design 360°》來說,是一個里程碑的嘗試。“13”是一個年輕的數字,《Design 360°》雜誌將一直保持年輕、大膽、前衛,將設計世界360°全方位地呈現在讀者面前,與讀者一起成長。

主視覺形象設計 · Art Direction and Design 
Milkxhake( . @milkxhake_org
Design Director: Javin Mo 毛灼然 (Milkxhake) @javinmo
Graphic Designer: Chan Wai Hon 陳韋翰 (Milkxhake) @vaugchann 
Design 360° Magazine No.78 DESIGNMAG: DESIGNMAG

Design 360° Magazine No.78 DESIGNMAG: DESIGNMAG
