Tanel Teemusk 的个人资料

SquarePrint, we print photos

SquarePrint, we print photos in a nutshell:
It is a productivity tool for everyone shooting photos with their smartphone. With few simple steps app users can order prints, stickers, fridge magnets and even a wooden framed photo grid using their own photos. Photos can be shot using Instagram or any other photo app. SquarePrint can use any photo in iPhone photo library. Photos are printed using the best printing equipment available and shipped worldwide.
Design & development by me.
Backend server-side development by Erki Adams
Print product development Tarmo Rämmi
SquarePrint, we print photos

SquarePrint, we print photos

It is a productivity tool for everyone shooting photos with their smartphone. With few simple steps app users can order prints, stickers, fridge 阅读更多内容
