Моё портфолио (my portfolio):
Аудит профиля (profile audit).
Account audit @marina_rotacheva.
The purpose of the account is to sell information products and increase personal brand awareness.
Key Performance Indicators:
The number of followers is 28486, which is 1.64 times more than similar accounts.
Post ER = 2.576% (Percentage of the audience that likes, comments and interacts with content).
Total likes: 4898
Total comments: 239
Likes on average: 700
Comments on average: 34
Account activities: increasing personal brand awareness, personal development, selling information products.

1) The spelling of the account name is the same as the spelling in other social networks.
2) The spelling of the account name is consonant with the spelling of the site.
3) The account is easy to find in the search.
4) The bio (profile header) from the Instagram account is not present in the description of other social networks and on other sites.
5) The bio explains what the profile is about:
"I will change your thinking and turn life for the better" - self-development, motivation.
6) The Instagram icon is present in other social networks.
7) Personal brand elements: cat, children, English, habit trackers, affirmations.
8) There are no ways to design posts and stories.
9) Chips are missing.

1) 6/9 of the latest posts showcase what you do.
2) Publications are recognizable only by small paragraphs. The content is hard to distinguish from the content of other bloggers.
3) There is no visual passport (photos have beautiful shades, but do not have the unity of color and style). There is no policy (there is no specific style of writing posts, chips, except for small paragraphs).
4) All formats of publications are used: informational, entertaining, reputational, educational, engaging.
5) There is no rubricator.
6) Content is technically sound. Lots of color. Pixelation is missing.
7) All types of publications are used: photos, videos, galleries (carousels) and stories.
8) Highlights are not designed in the same style.
9) The avatar is of high quality.
10) There are no live broadcasts.
11) There is no style in stories.

12) Quality content.
13) The text does not always match the photo.
Subscribers and target audience.
1) Content is relevant to the target audience.
2) Publications are published about 4 times a week.
3) Responses to comments and messages on the same day.
4) There is no checking of comments under publications through monitoring systems.
5) There is no reaction with likes and comments to subscribers' content.
6) User-generated content is not used.
7) Absence of the most "engaged" subscriber.
8) Subscribers are not encouraged now, basically there are no contests.
1) Target (with small budgets of 300 rubles in laziness for 3-4 days)
2) Checking the effectiveness of targeted advertising.
3) Purchase of advertising from bloggers.
4) Checking the effectiveness of advertising from bloggers.
5) Hashtags are not used.
6) Relevant commenting.
7) Mutual PR.
8) Participation in giveaways and marathons used to be once a week, but not now.
9) Activity in the account.
10) Promoting yourself through stories.
11) Do not talk about the account in other social networks.
12) There is no Instagram icon on the site.
                                                                                           Work plan.
1) Using the bio description in other social networks.
2) New features and ways to design posts and stories.
3) Redpolitika, designed in an updated style.
4) Visual, designed in an updated style.
5) New sections, for example: habit challenge, learning new English words with subscribers, business tips, book reading challenge and so on.
6) Update the design of the highlights.
7) Arrange live broadcasts on a specific topic (1-2 times a week).
8) Use user generated content.
9) Encourage subscribers (arrange contests and so on).
10) React with likes and comments on subscribers' content.
11) Target, performance evaluation.
12) Purchase of advertising, performance evaluation.
13) Hashtags.
14) Relevant commenting.
15) Mutual PR.
16) Activity in the account.
17) Marathons.
                                                                                  Thank you for your attention!

Настройка таргетированной рекламы (setting up targeted advertising).
Пример (an example):
Before and after
A week of work with a budget of 150 rubles per day.
Пример (an example):
Before and after.
для @slim_n_healthy (for @slim_n_healthy):
Копирайтинг (copywriting).
Пример №1 (an example):

Жми на <3 и сохрани, чтобы не потерять!

Сегодня хочу поделиться с тобой некоторыми советами по уходу за собой:

Как ты уже знаешь, когда занимаешься спортом, кожа вырабатывает больше себума, а если ещё и ходишь в бассейн, как и я, кожа постоянно контактирует с хлоркой, а волосы превращаются в мочалку. И поэтому коже лица, тела и волосам нужен особый уход.

Хочу поделиться несколькими эффективными лайфхаками по уходу за собой, которыми я регулярно пользуюсь:

Во-первых, необходимо подобрать правильный ежедневный уход. Поэтому лучше обратиться за консультацией к косметологу, чтобы он посоветовал те продукты, которые подойдут именно вам.
Помимо основного ухода раз в три недели я делаю глиняную чёрную маску для сужения пор и выравнивания тона кожи.

Перед мытьем головы я наношу либо Olaplex, либо кокосовое масло. Благодаря этому мои волосы всегда остаются в отличном состоянии.

Чтобы уменьшить количество растяжек и добиться гладкости кожи тела, я скрабирую её несколько раз в неделю, а затем увлажняю.

Рекомендую не забывать о водном балансе

Уход за собой - это важно.

А какие бьюти-секреты есть у тебя? Напиши, пожалуйста, о них в комментариях.

Пример №1 (an example):

Click on <3 and save so as not to lose!
Today I want to share with you some self-care tips:
As you already know, when you play sports, the skin produces more sebum, and if you also go to the pool, like me, the skin is constantly in contact with bleach, and the hair turns into a washcloth. And so the skin of the face, body and hair needs special care.
I want to share a few effective self-care hacks that I use regularly:
First, you need to choose the right daily care. Therefore, it is better to seek advice from a cosmetologist so that he can advise those products that are right for you.
In addition to the main care, every three weeks I do a clay black mask to narrow the pores and even out skin tone.
Before washing my hair, I apply either Olaplex or coconut oil. Thanks to this, my hair always remains in excellent condition.
To reduce the number of stretch marks and achieve smoothness of the skin of the body, I exfoliate it several times a week, and then moisturize.
I recommend not to forget about the water balance
Self care is important.
What beauty secrets do you have? Please write about them in the comments.
Пример №2 (an example): 

Маленькие охваты? Падают или не повышаются? Я знаю как решить эту проблему.

У тебя точно повысятся охваты, если ты будешь придерживаться этих советов:

Делать вертикальную съёмку.
Изначально приложением заложена возможность просмотра именно вертикального изображения. Стоит подстраиваться под желания подписчиков, чтобы они смотрели истории в удобном для себя формате. Этим правилом не пренебрегает @Xenia_Sobchak, регулярно обновляющая свою историю подробностями личной и деловой жизни.

Обрабатывать контент в обычном редакторе и накладывать текст отдельно.
Попробуйте обрабатывать фото и видео в своем обычном редакторе. Можно использовать Moldiv — в нём намного больше функций, а на выходе эффект (как и эмоции от вашей истории) будет более качественным. Помните, что Stories используют фотографии и видео разрешением 9 на 16. Глазу графического дизайнера сразу будет видно ограниченное количество шрифтов в Instagram, некоторые из них попросту диссонируют с контентом. Лучше пользоваться отдельным графическим редактором или не пренебрегать маркерами и графическими опциями. Например, городской информационный канал Москва 24 (@infomoscow24) публикует в историях информацию о погоде с красочными надписями.

Дополнять фото в профиле Историями.
Попробуйте к основному фото в аккаунте делать несколько дополнительных фото и видео происходящего в жизни, чтобы выложить в Stories. Так эффект погружения будет заметнее, а, кроме того, можно будет рассказать подписчикам о подробностях происходящего за кадром. @NASA использует такой прием достаточно успешно. Некоторое время назад они опубликовали информацию о метеоритном дожде Персеиды. Тогда же в Истории они выложили фотографии с учеными и оборудованием, рассказав о них в деталях.

Выстраивать хронологию в конце дня.
Опытные пользователи и блогеры рекомендуют выкладывать истории в конце дня. Во-первых, так появляется возможность отобрать весь контент за сутки, выстроить его нужным образом, продумать логику события, добавить нужных эффектов без спешки опаздывающего на урок школьника. А во-вторых, можно избежать тех технических оплошностей, которые часто связаны с отсутствием Интернет-соединения в нужный момент. В третьих, после загрузки всей истории целиком у аудитории появится возможность проследить всю логику событий дня.

Быть режиссером
С Историями всегда нужно чувствовать себя творцом или, как минимум, режиссером. Stories — это маленький остросюжетный фильм. В хорошем фильме всегда есть завязка, сюжет, развязка. Средненькие кадры, не имеющие прямого отношения к главному сюжету, оставят зрителей равнодушными. Постарайтесь добиться эффекта погружения — и ответная реакция в Direct не заставит себя ждать.
Интересные Stories в декабре выкладывала в своем аккаунте немецкая IKEA (@Ikeadeutschland). Они показывали адвент-календарь, сделанный из вешалки из IKEA для аксессуаров с круглыми отверстиями, и каждый день открывают коробочку с соответствующим числом. В коробочке оказывается свёрток. Допустим, 7 декабря в Истории был свёрток с названием товара — подушки в рождественском стиле. Вся история выглядит как полноценный сюжет, который абсолютно точно хочется досмотреть до конца.
Пример №2 (an example): 
Small coverage? Falling or not rising? I know how to solve this problem.
You will definitely increase your reach if you follow these tips:
Take vertical shots.
Initially, the application has the ability to view a vertical image. It is worth adapting to the desires of subscribers so that they watch stories in a format that is convenient for them. This rule is not neglected by @Xenia_Sobchak, who regularly updates her story with the details of her personal and business life.
Process content in a regular editor and overlay text separately.
Try to process photos and videos in your usual editor. You can use Moldiv - it has many more functions, and the final effect (as well as emotions from your story) will be of better quality. Remember that Stories use 9x16 photos and videos. A graphic designer’s eye will immediately see a limited number of fonts on Instagram, some of which are simply out of tune with the content. It is better to use a separate graphic editor or not to neglect markers and graphic options. For example, the city information channel Moscow 24 (@infomoscow24) publishes weather information with colorful captions in stories.
Supplement profile photos with Stories.
Try to take a few additional photos and videos of what is happening in life in addition to the main photo in your account to post in Stories. So the immersion effect will be more noticeable, and, in addition, it will be possible to tell subscribers about the details of what is happening behind the scenes. @NASA uses this technique quite successfully. Some time ago they published information about the Perseid meteor shower. At the same time, in History, they posted photos with scientists and equipment, talking about them in detail.
Build a timeline at the end of the day.
Experienced users and bloggers recommend posting stories at the end of the day. Firstly, this way it becomes possible to select all the content for the day, build it in the right way, think over the logic of the event, add the necessary effects without haste to the student who is late for the lesson. And secondly, you can avoid those technical oversights that are often associated with the lack of an Internet connection at the right time. Thirdly, after downloading the entire story, the audience will have the opportunity to follow the entire logic of the day's events.
Be a director
With Stories, you always need to feel like a creator, or at least a director. Stories is a small action movie. In a good film there is always a plot, a plot, a denouement. Mediocre shots that are not directly related to the main plot will leave viewers indifferent. Try to achieve the effect of immersion - and the response in Direct will not keep you waiting.
Interesting Stories were posted in December by the German IKEA (@Ikeadeutschland). They showed an advent calendar made from an IKEA accessory hanger with round holes, and every day they open the box with the corresponding number. There is a bundle in the box. Let's say on December 7 in History there was a bundle with the name of the product - pillows in the Christmas style. The whole story looks like a full-fledged plot, which you definitely want to watch to the end.
  Пример №3 для @gaz_olla (An example №3 for @gaz_olla)
Часть 1 (Part 1).
Часть 2 (Part 2). 
Give me emotion.
"What you can take calmly no longer controls you." - Confucius.
In modern society, burnout syndrome is by no means a rare occurrence. Sometimes we don’t get as many emotions as we give to others. A little later, we begin to perceive people according to the template, they are all the same, gray, aggressive .... life becomes boring.
And I have those moments. So let's say there are moments of indifference. The connection with the world is lost, you want alienation and there is a dulling of all positive emotions.
The most important thing is not to bring the situation to a critical, depressive one. It is important to carry out prevention. It is important to choose a time for rest, at least once a week. Turn off your phone and anything else that might get you busy. Find a way to switch to another activity. Start cooking, walk, learn a new "useless" skill that you'll never get paid for. For example, learn to draw, sing, play instruments.
And, most importantly, remember all the people with whom you communicate the most. Analyze who exhausts you the most, and with whom you are warm, comfortable and do not want to part? Draw the right conclusions, prevent emotional kickbacks and take care of yourself.
Пример №4  для @gaz_olla
Часть 1 (Part 1).
Часть 2 (Part 2).

Tik Tok is for idiots.
I thought myself. I admit, it was difficult at first to realize that a playground for dancing children, or even worse, crazy adults, could turn into something more.
At first for me, what can I say, and now for many, Tik Tok is synonymous with stupid hype. A lot of challenges appear, sometimes the most disgusting of them, which you don’t even want to voice. They are usually remembered to me with the question: "Ol, what should adequate people catch in this Tik-Tok of yours?"
What to catch? Like all sensational phenomena, Tik Tok has also become a serious advertising platform where popular users sell (for example) clothes and attract followers. Brands cooperate with such people, and serious businesses and bloggers go to this network to grow.
All this I mean is that you need to perceive ABSOLUTELY all social networks as new opportunities to attract an audience, and stop underestimating trends that have no obvious benefits. And be easier! There are enough trends there so as not to perform rubbish for the sake of attention - and who prevents you from creating your own challenge and becoming much more popular!
Are you with me?)
Пример №5 для @gaz_olla

We can create the world we want!
I learned about Harry from my neighbor and that day my life turned 180 degrees. I saw how her income grew after mentoring, I saw how she blossomed and even her outlook changed.
At that time I had a request for a mentor and Harry responded to me from the first seconds. I myself am a coach and his approach through working with the subconscious has become very close to me: I myself work with children's attitudes that we can’t do anything and we won’t achieve anything. When people clear this rubbish out of their heads, incomes begin to grow.
There is a very simple formula: business + work with the subconscious = successful business.
I believe that this formula should be before the eyes of every beginner and already advanced businessman. It's never too late to move a few more steps forward.
In the future, every big company will have entire subconscious departments. Because our consciousness forms our perception by 95%.
And you can start right now.
I give 50,000 rubles to anyone who is really ready to change their life. To form your own reality and lay down your own life scenarios - in business, relationships and self-realization.
Пример №6  для @gaz_olla
My Instagram mask\What for?
I think you all have already seen that I created my Instagram mask!
And if not yet, then you can always find it in my profile, in the new mask section.
So... Why did I create it?
I am a specialist in the transformation of thinking and consciousness. I help you change yourself internally. I think that this mask is a great way to feel more confident, happier, more satisfied.
My mask is simple, but at the same time very demanding. For there are very few masks that would not greatly change facial features, ideally remove flaws and emphasize beauty at the same time.
I'm waiting for your opinions, your suggestions (maybe there will be more masks) in the comments.
Пример №7 для @fedirina
10 ways to create the perfect life.
Be honest with yourself. Don't lie to yourself. Live here and now, not in an illusion.
Look for solutions, not excuses. Say what you did to be able, not why you couldn't.
Create success in life, not in social networks. A lot of the bloggers you follow don't have as good a life as they do on social media. Do not make yourself an idol!
Value friendship. Sincerity of relations, truth in communication - that's friendship. Remember there are many acquaintances, and few friends who will help in difficult times.
Don't compare yourself to others. Compare yourself to yourself yesterday, and not to others. And grow above yourself. The value of each person is in his ability to develop, become stronger and better.
Age is just numbers, not a state of mind. Absolute truth. I wrote a hundred times about successful people who found their abundance after 40. Yesterday's post about Ray Kroc is another confirmation.
Build your own little fortress. Each of us should have a place on Earth where you don't have to pretend, where you won't be deceived, where you feel calm and well, where you can rest your soul.
Challenge yourself. The only person who needs to prove anything is you. Ignore criticism, ridicule, insults and complaints. You don't have to prove anything to anyone. Scale by scale, remove yourself from dependence on the opinions of other people. It is nothing, zero, an empty sound. Live in high vibrations.
Laziness or action? My favorite command. Do you think I'm not too lazy, now on a wonderful Sunday, when I happily teach my nephew how to cook kuksi, stop and write this text? Of course, laziness. But I take and do.
The price of important things.
Set your priorities. In the end, we will all leave the way we came. Without anything.
And know that the most valuable thing you have is yourself. You don't owe anything to anyone and take care of yourself first, people won't always help you.
If you want to find the key to unlocking your abilities. If you want to take care of the quality of your life and your health.
If you want to get rid of negative attitudes and replace them with positive ones, then come to me for a thetahealing consultation.

Пример №8  для @makeup_babchenko
Is there an ideal of female beauty for you?
To be honest, I do not consider myself a "beauty", but I recognize my strengths and gladly compliment others. In my understanding, beauty is charisma, the energy that a person charges and wins over everyone around him, this is a mole above the lip that you will remember forever. The essence of beauty is not only in the wrapper. Right?
In truth, a beautiful woman does not have to be the standard of "fashion" - a simple harmony of black and white tones, neatness, grooming, delicate skin ... It doesn't matter if she has a hump on her nose or if she has changed her lips shape - she should look harmonious !
I'm not looking for compliments, I won't call myself a beauty with perfect features. Do you know what my husband said to me on the first date? "Well, you're not pretty." I was outraged. On the second, he arrived with a gift and took back his words.
By the way, they can call me a “horse” in the comments or private messages - I won’t run to cry into the pillow.
Beauty is a subjective concept and it is impossible to please everyone.
There are people who are gifted with natural beauty. Even in sportswear and with a bun on their heads, they will look fantastic and will be remembered by you for a lifetime. ..Remember Marilyn Monroe - she was very shy about her appearance. Men adored her, women imitated her. She thought she was terrible...
What is the meaning of such a concept as beauty? First of all, in self-love, in the ability to use your strengths, in self-confidence.
And now, share, what kind of woman is the standard of beauty for you?)
Контент-планы для постов и сторис (Content plans for posts and stories).
для @gaz_olla
1) Top 10 self-love books
2) My husband does not allow me (about attitudes in a relationship, how to avoid control of every movement in a relationship)
3) My relationship (during the analysis, I practically did not see the posts Life and Personality, only expertise, you always need to combine, I suggest introducing writing posts on the topic of your life)
4) How I became who I am now (life + expertise)
5) How to get rid of complexes
6) What will you come to after consulting with me
7) Instagram as a way to realize yourself (how Instagram liberates)
8) How to revive relationships
9) What is an unhealthy/healthy relationship
10) 5 exercises for self-love (read a book, see friends, go to a spa, exercise, etc.).
Шапка профиля (Profile header).
для @blog_helsinki_life
Life in Finland| Yana and Evelina are crazy friends
We distribute money to subscribers
We will destroy stereotypes and force you to go beyond the "permitted"
It blew up the internet.
Olya is your beauty guru
A dog paints better than a make-up artist
The whole truth about cosmetics
After my blog, you will change your attitude towards yourself
The best promotions and discounts are here.
Rich Polly without a daddy
Subscribers choose my guys
Why won't I date a Russian?
My thoughts turn into money
Spending millions on myself.
Your sensual coach
Flip your reality 360 degrees
Business and life mentor living in Bali
Diagnosis of the state at the price of a cup of coffee
Reviews below.
Friends with exes and ex exes
While you're whining that you don't have money, I'm making money
Let's figure out what kind of girl the perfect handsome man needs.
Визуал (a visual).

Пример №1 (An example №1).
Пример №2 (An example №2).
Пример №3 (An example №3).
для @mne.tak.mozhno
для @gaz_olla
Закупка рекламы у блогеров (Buying ads from bloggers).
Пример (An example).

Rus: Бюджет на рекламу составлял 9600 рублей, приход подписчиков составил 837.
1 подписчик вышел в 8 рублей, что очень хорошо для блога об изучении языка.

Eng: The advertising budget was 9600 rubles, the number of subscribers was 837.
1 subscriber came out at 8 rubles, which is very good for a blog about language learning.
До (before)
После (after)
Отзыв (feedback).
Рекламные подачи (Advertising submissions).
для @vikacouch
Meet Vika, your fairy sorceress in the world of relationships.
In her blog, she revealed all the secrets and mysteries of men. Believe me, she knows everything about men. It will help to find the same one only on the profile in Tinder. She will tell you what photos and phrases repel men.
Raise your self-esteem to the skies and teach you to love yourself. She will answer all your questions in his blog and make you happy.
Quickly go to her profile.

(Abstract  screen)

She will tell you how to hook a guy in just 5 seconds. How to fill out a profile on Tinder so that he writes to you. With her, you will love yourself.
для @slim_n_healthy
Today I want to introduce you to Lena, your healthy lifestyle encyclopedia. On her blog, she publishes not only healthy, but also very mouth-watering recipes. Your young man will definitely ask for more.
Lena is a nutritionist and she knows exactly how to get your body in order.
For subscribing to Lena's blog, you will receive a free shopping guide that will help you choose only healthy products and not spend money on harmful ones, and a guide of 10 effective and non-banal weight loss tips.
Abstracts on the screen.
The most delicious and healthy recipes on Instagram are on Lena's blog. It will put your body in order. For subscribing to the blog gives you a useful guide.
для @angelika_voroshilova
1 story:
Question: Earnings after the removal were cut, I want to switch to freelancing. Where to begin?
Blogger's answer: Recently, a sea of ​​the same messages has been pouring into my Direct. I am very glad that many began to see the prospects in remote work. Unfortunately, now a lot of people are selling low-quality products, after which you are unlikely to be able to freelance. But I know a professional in my field.
2 story:
The blogger says: I want to introduce you to Angelica, a professional in her field. Hundreds of people after studying with her have found their place in the world of freelancing and earn from 50,000 rubles a month. And even during a crisis, the acquired knowledge is in demand. Angelica will teach you to live life to the fullest and enjoy every second. And at the same time earn more and more.
Идеи для блога. (ideas for the blog)
для @makeup_babchenko
Рубрики для постов и сторис (Categories for posts and stories).
Categories for stories:
1) Show yourself, your life, how the day began, how the day ended, communicate with subscribers.
2) Periodically dilute with advertising of the "Author's course", invite, offer.
3) You can add games with subscribers. (quizzes and so on).
Post categories:
1) What to talk about with a man on a date
2) On what day after meeting ...
3) Female bends in relationships
4) I want to be accepted for who I am.
5) How a man chooses a woman
6) Women's health
7) Female sexuality
8) A man loves with his eyes, and a woman with her ears
9) Parables on the theme of the blog
10) The purpose of the first date.
Фотомакеты (photo layouts).
для @slim_n_healthy
I will teach you to cook harmful useful
I will reduce the calorie content of your diet by 2-3 times
Husband asks for more
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Рекламная стратегия
Advertising strategy for the @marina_rotacheva blog.
The goal of the advertising strategy is to gain a loyal audience, attract people to the online business team.
The theme of the blog is self-development, achieving goals, online business.
The number of followers is 28486, which is 1.64 times more than similar accounts.
The level of income is 10,000 euros per month.
EP=2.576% (engagement, number of loyal followers)
Total likes 4898, comments 239
The term for achieving the goal is 1 month.
KPI: expected number of subscribers 35000 (get 6500)
Buying ads from bloggers
Work plan:
-Analysis of the account, its analytics, study of the target audience, the goals of the blog and advertising for the preparation of an advertising submission;
- Creation of turnkey advertising submission;
- creating a layout;
- analysis of the advertising campaign results.
The budget for advertising is 20,000 rubles. (1 subscriber about 10 rubles)=2000 subscribers.
Potential risks: advertising submission or layout may "not enter".
Work plan:
-Pick up a marathon on related target audience and topics;
- pay for a personalized marathon;
- hand over materials;
- follow the arrival.
The budget is 4000 rubles. (considering that a subscriber will cost 2 rubles, with a guaranteed arrival of 2000 subscribers).
Potential risks: the number of guaranteed subscribers will not be reached.
Targeted advertising
Work plan:
- Testing advertising on small budgets;
- testing different feeds;
- we select a working offer.
The budget is 15000 rubles. (a subscriber comes out at 10 rubles approximately) = 1500 subscribers
Potential risks: advertising submission or layout may "not enter"
Mutual advertising
Work plan:
-Find a blogger with an engaged audience and related blog topics;
- Supervise the advertising process.
Budget 0 rubles or if the blogger has higher reach and engagement, then an additional fee = approximately 1000 subscribers
Potential risks: advertising may "not enter".
Recommendations that are important to consider in order to achieve the goal:
-improvements in visual;-
-regularity of posting;
-improvements in content (new sections, for example "English in 20 minutes", "Affirmation for the day", "Q&A".)
-Storis design in the same style.
Thank you for your attention!
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Instagram: catherine_z00
Telegram: @EkaterinaZubarkova
WhatsApp: +79600457887
For collaboration write:
Instagram: catherine_z00
Telegram: @EkaterinaZubarkova
WhatsApp: +79600457887

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