An epic teaser video for an Australian startup company

Earth 2, an ambitious online game + our poetic take on a grand new idea
 A 1:1 scale replica of Earth where you can buy & trade land online

We utilized satellite imagery sourced from NASA when creating our CG Earth for the piece.
A tactile, personal way to present the concept of 
digital land ownership

Small cubic slices of terrain, complete with snow capped peaks and tropical lagoons. 
Mirror landscapes, warping worlds and epic vistas

Vast symmetrical landscapes distort perception and introduce the idea of a parallel 1:1 scale Earth.
An alive and ever-changing marketplace

A globe split into chunks with values rising and falling was an elegant solution to represent markets in flux.
Flags - a graphic, colorful way to bring humanity to the project.

When you buy land, you state its nationality. Iconic flags echo shapes seen throughout the piece.

Created by

Sound by Lieke

Instagram/Social - @weareunsaid


An atmospheric teaser for an epic new online game, Earth 2.
