Ananya Mohan sin profil

MICA Competitive Scholarship 2020

Intricate Beauty by Design
Poster Design | November 2019
This poster was designed for a hypothetical viewing of a TED Talk given by the artist, Marian Bantjes. Through the typeface that was created for this poster, I wished to capture the Bantjes' philosophy that art is made more interesting when it depicts something that captures the viewer's attention and makes them curious enough to figure it out.

Typeface Design | November 2019
These are the original letters that were created on Adobe Illustrator for the poster design of the TED Talk.
PIVOT Baltimore Website
Website Design | December 2019
PIVOT Baltimore is a non-profit organization that helps women that have recently been released from correctional facilities by providing them with necessary services to reacclimatize to society. These videos show the Desktop and Mobile version of the website that I designed for the NGO. 
Dodo Tea
Package Design | September 2019
Dodo Tea is a brand of Mauritius Tea that is specifically catered to Astronauts as its audience. It aims to promote not only a healthier lifestyle but also aims to help astronauts overcome several problems after spaceflight, such as muscle atrophy, immune system issues and sleep disturbances.
Mudras, a visual vocabulary
Digital Illustration | October 2019
Mudras are hand gestures that are used to communicate actions in several Classical Dances of India. In this project, I connected the most common 26 Mudras to the alphabet. The piece on the right appears to be visual, however, it can be deciphered using the key on the left in order to find a story hidden within. 
Digital Illustration and Linoleum Block Print | October 2019
Through this triptych series I aimed to decipher and personalize a family heirloom. By connecting the motif of the peacock and the common block printing style used on traditional clothing with my growing interest in design, I was able to portray my traditions in a more modern and digital way.
If you believe in things...
Zine | December 2019
I have grown up surrounded by Crazy Superstitions, but what makes them so crazy? How unreasonable they were, or how we blindly chose to believe them? Through digital illustrations and haikus, this zine aims to decode this question. The video is a stop motion viewing of the entire zine and the two images afterwards are selected pages from it.
MICA Competitive Scholarship 2020

MICA Competitive Scholarship 2020

Submission for MICA Competitive Scholarship 2020


Kreative områder