Perfil de 908 videoPerfil de Mette Ilene Holmriis

SHARE TV Commercial

Share is a brand with a generous mission.
Every time you buy one of their products, you are also going to help
a person in need. If you, for example, are buying a bottle of water,
Share will help through various organizations to provide
drinking water in countries like Cambodia or Liberia.
We had a chance to support the Share project promoting
this simple but wonderful idea.
 We created three TV-commercials, each 20 seconds long,
that were shown on national TV. For this project we used
a classic 2D frame by frame animation technique.
There is always something special about 
this process
- to experience drawn sketches come to life.

Production: Steffen Baumgart
Animation Director: Thibaut d’Alton
Art Direction + Design: Agata Malinowska, Hendrik Woitkowiak
Character Animation: Mette Ilene Holmriis
Additional Animations: Stephan Wachtberger
Clean Up Artist: Anna Šagadin
Musik: Jan Weigel, Kai von Glasow
Sounddesign: Kai von Glasow
Sprecherin: Carolin von der Groeben
SHARE TV Commercial

SHARE TV Commercial
