Edite Ribeiro's profile

Mercedes Benz Portugal

Although a project from my Master's class "Projecto Integrado de Publicidade", we received a real briefing from MERCEDES-BENZ that consisted in creating a "taking-back" campaign without saying so as to maintain the brands' status.
The Ideia we had was to create a campaign that would make clients aware of this serious opportunity to get a real car. Here's the result:
Headline: Quit Playing Around - From the 13th till the 22nd of September grab the opportunity to get a real car.
With the Magazine Ad comes a detachable pice with which you can build a toy car. But, with the following page, comes the message "Quit Playing Around".
For the Activation Campaign we created a Key Shaped piece to put on top of parked cars, implying that those are Toy Cars, enhancing our message that it's time to get the real thing. A fun and creative way to aproach the client.
For the ATM we created a two fased pieces with the first asking "Sill playing with toy cars?" and the second moment with the healine "Quit playing around"
Masters in Advertising at IADE University

Class: Integrated Project in Advertising
Teacher: Luís Veríssimo

Project developed by:
André Leite
Edite Ribeiro 
Vânia Costa 
Mercedes Benz Portugal

Mercedes Benz Portugal

Criative solution for a Mercedes-Benz briefing. Academic Project from my Masters in Adversing in IADE Creative University.
