This is the result of my selfpromotion project. 
my goal : create a leave-behind object that generates interest in me as a designer, my work. It should make me stand out from the crowd and makes sure that I leave an positive impression. 
The figurine is handsculpted using Fimo modelclay, and is painted with acrylic painting. I wanted the figurine to portray my strenghts, qualities and interests. My strenghts are illustration, branding  and packaging design. I perfer manual work methods like sketching, drawing, painting. The pencil is a symbol of  "my weapon of choice"
 It comes in a custom made box with my name/ogo embossed on the lid.
It's quite small and will not take up a lot of space on your desk.
A USB memorystick is placed in the back of the cat's head. On it you find sneakpeaks of my work, my CV and a link to my online portfolio.
Self promotion

Self promotion

Self promotion project done at Norges Kreative Fagskole
