Design Trends 2020/2021


Design Trends


Part II
Text and illustrations: Local Doc

Repost, reblog freely with link to the source.​​​​​​​

Trend Guide for current 2020 year and forecast of rising trends for upcoming 2021.

1. Back to 80's

Last couple of years was great for remakes and TV series like Stranger Things, Blade Runner 2049, Ghost in the Shell, ect. which starts new visual wave of Retrofuturism and Cyberpunk. It's hard to make difference whether it's caused by movies or nostalgia for old times, but that's a fact: you can see a reminicence of retrofuturistic style literally everywhere, from movies to product design and fashion trends.

To get the 80's-90's look, you can use bold typography and add chrome effect to text, add neon glow or make 8-bit pixel art.

2. Generative Art, Data Visualization and Neural Network Art
If you don't programming yet, it's definitely time to start. And that's the reasons why:
- New opportunities and salary growth. It's obvious, you'll gain a competitive edge in your field of work comparing to others.
- We now live in the New Era of digital progress where "Everything that can be automated will be automated" (just read the Statistics for 2020). It's very likely that your profession will be extinct in the next 10 years or may undergo huge changes.

If you work in Arts and Design field and you want to become more tech-savvy, this is the list of Top Programming Languages to learn in 2020:


Python is almost universal programming language for all type of tasks and has lots of libs (seaborn, bokeh, plotly, and many others) that will help you build beautiful and fast data visualisation. Python works both with raster images and vector .svg format.


Processing is an almighty tool for all kind of data visualization tasks. To begin with, subscribe to gorgeous YouTube channel The Coding Train with beginner-friendly coding tutorials, lead by Daniel Shiffman, a member of the Board of Directors of the Processing Foundation.
Images where made with Processing, using Perlin noise function.

With  HTML+CSS+JS you can build interactive web sites and animation.

3. Surreal 3D Abstractions

Cinema 4D + OctaneRender is a good starter pack for entering the world of 3D visualisation. In 2020 you can see the obvious hot trend in 3D for organic shapes and surreal geometric compositions.

4. Neo Renaissance

All new is well restyled old:

We will see soon more of references to Renessaince art, old classical paintings and alchemical medieval symbols in web and product design, like the collection by Ignasi Monreal for Gucci.

It's also a good design trick: you can add or hide symbolic and allegorical meaning into your work using references to old plots.
5. Psychedelic 60's and Pop Art

We can see rising trend for Psychedelic style that reminds us album covers from the 60s-70s and Hippie movement. Primary attributes of psychedelic style is acid fluorescent colors and melting flowing forms. Illustrations are trippy like LDS visions: spiral swirly patterns in bright colors, optical art, phantasmagoric subject matter.

What to watch:

All in all, the 2020 and 2021 are years of the style eclecticism:
Old and new, ancient Greek sculptures and Neural network art, nostalgic 90's vibes and futuristic minimalism, High Renaissance​​​​​​​ and High tech.
Design Trends, Part 2
Text and illustrations: Local Doc

Repost, reblog freely with link to the source.
You can purchase illustrations in my Shutterstock or Adobe Stock portfolios.


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Design Trends 2020/2021

Design Trends 2020/2021
