David Mrugala profili

FRANZ JOSEPH HAYDN - Generative Portraits

Franz Joseph Haydn
Generative Portrait
Made with code / Processing
Generative Portraits of Classical Music Composers (2020 - present)
This series is an attempt to re-create portraits of classical music composers. The images below are generative portraits of Franz Joseph Haydn. All portraits are made with code (Processing). The series is in progress.

This series is part of thedotisblack, a platform for research design on (generative) drawings made with code. thedotisblack was launched by David Mrugala, a German architect, designer and educator who currently lives in Korea.

FRANZ JOSEPH HAYDN - Generative Portraits
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FRANZ JOSEPH HAYDN - Generative Portraits

These are generative portraits of Franz Joseph Haydn. It is an attempt to recreate portraits of classical music composers. The portraits are made Daha Fazla Bilgi

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