Профиль SungHyun Cho

Competitive Scholarship Application SungHyun Cho

Letter Drawing: 풀(Grass/Glue)

Medium: Mixed Media; Hot Glue, Marker, Graphite on Paper
Scale: 18” x 24”

This is a drawing of a sculpture of the Korean word '풀'. As this word can mean grass or glue, I wanted to depict the two meanings. To create the shape of the word, I cut out stripes of paper that looked like grass. For the background, I used hot glue and green marker to depict grass.
Life as a Barbie Doll

This is a photography of a still life scene I created with patterns. I think of Barbie Dolls as an object that shows what society forces on women. In this scene I wanted to express the social constraint I felt as a female myself. The blue shirt under the yellow clothings show how I hide what I really want under the expectations given to me. 

Medium: Photography 
Scale:  2866 × 3821 (pixels)
In the Museums at Year 3000

This work is a reinterpretation of a work of my choice from the Walters Museum’s collection. I wanted to point out how a value of an artwork changes over time and how the art work which are shown in museums will change over time.I also wanted to point out how fragile art work is by projecting a glitching gif image and making the frame out of clay instead of something for sustainable. 

Medium:Mix media; Frame: Wire, Modeling clay, spray paint  
Scale: 24” × 24”             
Home: Not Everybody Feels Comfortable Here
This was our last assignment which used the topic Home. After reading a book of our choice related to Home, we created this work using a metaphor for home which was created by the author of the book. The metaphor I used was the Bike. I resonated with the writer as I also did not feel included in my home town which led me to coming to the US. 

Medium: Mixed Media; Wire, Pen, Thread, Hot Glue on Paper
Scale: 18”×24”
20 Minute Figure Drawing

Medium: Charcoal on paper
Scale: 18” x 24”

This was an observational figure drawing done in class. 20 minutes was given for this drawing.  
This work is originally a  3 minuet long video. However to fit in the form of this portfolio I created a summary video that includes fast forwarded highlight scenes. Audio was removed as it was not conveyed due to the video being fast forwarded. We were required to make a video that makes social commentary on a topic of our choice. I created a  video dealing with Beauty Standards. I really enjoyed the process of creating this video. I would like to dig deeper in this topic and medium.

Medium: Video
This is a pattern that is informed and inspired by my identity. I think that my looks and my style is a big part of my identity. I believe that my selfies are a representation of my style. Looking at my photos I noticed that I have a look or a pose I am comfortable and confident in. The frequence of the shape in the pattern is related to how often I make that facial expression.
Medium: Illustrator and Procreate
Scale:  1200 × 1800(pixels)

Locura, Mishigas, and Fengkuang

The title of this work are all words that means Craziness. I wanted to depict the craziness in one's mind. When I have mad thoughts I feel as if the thoughts burst out of my head. 

Medium: Modeling clay, Fabric, and acrylic paint on Canvas
Scale: 20”x16”
Fairy in the Woods

Medium: Graphite on paper with digital projection
Scale: 64” x 37” x 24”

This is an installation piece based in drawing. I wanted to create an organic yet mystic space. Copies of grass drawings were glued on. I projected the fairy on to the background drawing to give an illusion of motion and give depth of space. The light from the projector created shadow of the grass which created more dimension . I would like to bring this work to a larger scale and have an animated element in the future. 

In this work, I wanted to express how I feel about the social restriction I have as a woman. The patterns symbolize the restriction of how I should dress and how I should look. The pattern of the bras is an hommage to Korean singer Sulli who recently decided to end her life due to all the hate she has been receiving. One of the incident where she was hated by the audience was when she posted a photo of herself where she was fully clothed but did not wear a bra. I think that her death shows how much discrimination women go through. 

Medium: Digital
Scale: 2208 x 2944(pixels)
Competitive Scholarship Application SungHyun Cho

Competitive Scholarship Application SungHyun Cho
