Hammer Time is a third-person platformer made in Unreal Engine 4. The game showcases Hammy, a little silver hammer, on a quest to find all the Golden Screws for the sake of Screwdis The Screwdriver.
My intentions
Create a platformer-reflexion game, where one mechanic (Smashing) can solve different problems! 

Captain Toad was an influence with the necessity of playing with the camera to discover hidden paths, its character controller limited in actions and with its puzzles just easy enough for the young ones.
The results
With this project, I pushed my knowledge about blueprints and components, and learned about widgets UI, dialogue structures and more about level sequencer to develop my camera/framing skills. 
All the assets and coding were done by myself only.

Here you can see some of the first drafts layouts of the different levels (From left to right, level 1 to 3) and gifs about the keywords in action.
Hammer Time (2019)
公開日 :

Hammer Time (2019)

公開日 :
