Miss A Folio 的個人檔案

Frame-by-Frame Animation

[Task] Frame-by-Frame Animation
“From a series of static images, create a character that completes a full movement for either cooking, getting ready to school or sending a text to someone. You can create the image assets in Adobe Illustrator and animate in Adobe Photoshop; save it as a GIF image.”
I decided to choose a cooking GIF. I got inspired from these picture and GIF below
Most of the GIF are from anime (Japanese cartoon). It was so beautiful and so I decided to make "Onigiri" which is also known as rice balls.
Process of frame-by-frame animation
First thing that I do is sketch the idea up. I use the sketchbook to list out which part of the picture will be moving.
Next, I illustrate the idea using Illustrator.
I manually adjust and play around with the moving objects before exporting it to jpeg for each frame. Altogether I have 37 frames.
Then, I open up Photoshop to assemble all of the pictures(frames) into individual layer.
I use Timeline to arrange the image in frames and ensure the timeline is matched with the layer. Example, if the timeline number is 16, then the layer must be 16, the rest of the layer must be hidden. It is better to name all the layer in appropriate name so we don't get mixed up later.
Then I delay the frame time to 0.2 seconds for each frame. Once the GIF is done, I save it as web and using GIF format.
I have yet to master the Principles of Animations. Animation is my weakness and I know that I need to polish and work hard to improve. Do let me know what I am lacking in this task. Thank you for reading!
Frame-by-Frame Animation


Frame-by-Frame Animation

Task for UTB CC Semester 4 2020
