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Remarkables Ski Patrol Outpost Design

For my school design and visual communication project, I was assigned to design a small modern building to serve as an outpost for ski patrol activities for the Remarkables Ski Area in Queenstown New Zealand . 

The building must provide shelter in all conditions, storage for first aid and rescue equipment, basic kitchen facilities. The occupants need broad views of the slopes while seated at a communications workstation.
Research the sustainability of your design and consider environmentally friendly and energy-efficient solutions for heating, lighting and water usage. Consider the features of the surrounding area such as climate and weather, topography, and how it will affect the functionality of the ski patrol outpost. Throughout my design process, I have implemented and adjusted my ski outpost to fit the specifications I have set in my initial brief. 

After doing some research on the ski field environment, and how buildings can be build in cold environments sustainably, I started by ideation process where I sketched 3d forms, taking inspiration from nature. 

The implementation of design elements such as the triangulation of frames, motorised exterior windshields and an accessway overhang makes for a building which provides shelter in all conditions, particularly elements specific to the ski field environment such as snow, wind, and potential avalanches. I have researched the sustainability of the design and consider environmentally friendly and energy-efficient solutions for heating and lighting usage overtime.  
The triangulation of the glass increases the durability of the otherwise frail exterior glass planes while reducing repair costs in case of breakage, contrary to the curved rectangle glass plains in my chosen concept. In case of rock falls or an avalanche, the motorised windshield can rotate into the necessary angel, preventing server damage to the building. In this environment with frequent snowfall in the winter, the overhang over the entrance/exit of the building allows for safe access to the building, prevents the snow from blocking the door an event of getting locked in.  
By implementing an underground garage, this allows for a distinct separation between the living space and storage area, reducing the need for a large door which would bring in more cold air into the building when entering/exiting. The storage shelving in the underground garage would further make the ski patrol operation more efficient and loading the snowmobile would be more accessible.                    
I have extensively researched the types of insulation and implemented multiple layers of insulation which act to complement the other functions, reducing heating costs and increasing the lifetime of the building materials. 
As a part of the ski patrol operation, occupants need broad views of the slopes while seated at a communications workstation. I have implemented a 180-degree glass dome for a super-wide view of the slopes which also acts to bring in natural light, further reducing energy consumption for lighting and heating. 
If I was to continue building into this design, I would implement a solar power system onto the roof or windshields and a water supply system to make this building more environmentally sustainable and carbon negative.

Remarkables Ski Patrol Outpost Design

Remarkables Ski Patrol Outpost Design

I have been assigned to design a small modern building to serve as an outpost for ski patrol activities at the Remarkables ski area in Queenstown Leer más
