Zoe Dyer 님의 프로필

Left Field - ASD&SPORT

From a young age, children are subconsciously introduced to physical activity such as running around with their families. This is only increased when they reach school level. Weekly PE lessons are strict within the schools syllabuses as their is a vast amount of evidence that states that children require at least 60 minutes of daily physical activity. This can be a daunting experience for children as they are growing up for a numerous amount of reasons, which can only be increased for children sufferering with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
By creating a source of visual communication and understanding that appeals to autistic traits and interests, the children shall be more familiar with the way of learning, thus reduce anxiety and increase participation.
I recognise that designs associated with sports, for children with ASD, are very minimal and poorly designed. Visuals are a proven beneficial way to attract the autistic mind and enable a better understanding and ability to learn, but there is a gap within the market.
I wanted to create a product or pack that features a variety of sports that informs children with ASD of the simple rules, yet concentrates on interests such as geometric shapes and routines. In turn, this would reduce anxiety levels and eliminate fears of the unknown, increasing participation and positivity.
Working with the idea of children with ASD seeing the World differently, I came up with the name “Left Field.” It’s relevance to sports derives from the idea that many sports are played on fielded areas.
The brand design is based around the autistic interest in geometric shapes with the triangles, as well as the routines that are formed through the lines of the sports courts and pitches. It is these aspects that forms the teaching and understanding of the rules and draws interest into the brand and its material.
My pack comes with a variety of elements to better understanding and enable participation in sports lessons concentrating on football, basketball, dodgeball, cricket and tennis.
Self evaluative triangular booklets allow the children to assess how they felt the lessons went, along with the ability to colour in a triangle to match the colour of their emotion.
Parents can maintain a booklet that informs them of five benefits of sports participation for their child, while two promotional poster sets are aimed at the two target audiences.
Rule cards concentrating on triangles informs of 5 rules for each of the sports. Once the rules are understood, a sticker is rewarded which can be kept within a sticker chart to form the brands pattern.
An arrangement game allows the children to arrange orange acrylic triangles, representing players, to their positions on the courts and to understand game plays. Supporters flags and promotional bunting is an added extra to the pack that again, concentrates on the triangular patterns.
Left Field - ASD&SPORT

Left Field - ASD&SPORT

Final Major Project concentrating on a social impact for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) creating a visual communication and underst 자세히 보기


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