amirul aizat 的个人资料


existing structures
predictions and depictions, 2 x A0 tracing paper
the new ecosystem, 2 x A0 tracing paper
      Penang is divided into two, an island and a mainland. It is located north in Peninsula Malaysia, neighboring Kedah and Perak. Highly urbanised and industrialised Penang is one of the most developed and economically important states in the country, as well as a thriving tourist destination. (wikipedia). 
      Strolling along streets in Penang, clearly can be seen, footprints and agendas lies beneath creeping moss, faded painted wall, and aged building. neither of us would tell what they have witnessed. Modern days seems to overshadow these aged buildings. Skycrappers, shopping centers steers away the glory days of these peranakan's structures.
      As one of the UNESCO heritage site, these old shophouses are refurbished, transformed into new tourist attraction, in other way educating the new generations their stories and pride. Apart of all these efforts, my eyes still caught by the fate of few numbers of left and abandoned shophouses. they seems to have pretty much to talk about.
     What have you been through?, why you are left behind?, where's the people inhabit you before?. Speculation can be made, rumours can be spread, but no one seems to have the answers. No written journals, nor specific proofs are left. 
      These decaying structures have not much to say. No more human inhabitants. Just trees, rodens, nesting birds taking place of what has been left behind. New ecosystems are created. Every torn structures, every existence have become a new world no one ever known. How about 30 years later, or 100 years?; this is city of decadence, leaving puzzles and uncertainties.


seciond year design project, Uitm Shah Alam, Malaysia. A research of architecture and urban issues
