Ȧdea — Evolving glyphs for aiding creativity in graphic design

Being creative in Graphic Design (GD) often requires protected experimentation processes. Ȧdea is an evolutionary computation system for finding novel glyphs, aiding designers to explore during the creative process. 

We present a comparison between "A"s generated by the system and the respective post-edited versions. Also, we showcase GD applications for each of the created glyphs. 

The "A"s were evolved out of glyphs from Google fonts. Ȧdea is a system under development in CISUC, CMS, CDV, University of Coimbra. System and designs by Danie'Lopes. This is a project coordinated by João Correia and Penousal Machado.

For further reading or academic publications, please visit: https://cdv.dei.uc.pt/adea/ 

