LaRissa Lawrie さんのプロファイル

The body project; "How do you feel about your body?"

104 "I've very insecure about my weight. It's not because I've over weight; I see no fat on me. It's because I'm so little. I have a very little structure, but no matter what I do, I can't gain any weight. I've been the same weight since 8th grade, and never above 110lbs. I have a destroyed spine due to an accident which makes it hard for me to gain weight"
125 "umm...well I don't put very much importance on my physical appearance. I am confident in it and an ok with the fact that I am skinny or even skranny. But it really is not something I think about at all"
310 "My body is my least favorite part of myself. I try to conceal it as much as possible. My body embarrasses me, but I realize I don't care what anyone else thinks about my body. It is my body and I can do what I want with it. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes"
173 "On my tummy I have a burn that I truly dislike. I think my boobies and ass are amazings. <3 I believe that I am perfect the way I am but I still want to work out to loose some of my stomach"
168 "I feel mostly confident about my weight but with my ADHD its really hard to maintain a steady weight. I feel sad and underachieved when my mother compares me to my size 5 friends. weight is a huge issue for me and it upsets me to know that my mother is not proud of my weight"
145 "I never feel bad about my body. I  accept who I am and embrace it. Of course you can be bigger or stronger but I like who I am"
180 "I know that I am a big girl and I accept that. But I still don't feel comfortable in a bikini or in skimpy clothes. One thing I actually love about my body is I feel strong."
185.7 "I feel that I am slightly overweight. My legs are alright; but you can't see them. I've always had lots of upper body fat, but I'm working on it."
190 "Too many doctors, too few sports. I've grown to accept who I am physically; what I can do, what I want to do but can't. My physical situation has made me realize that I can't relate to anyone else's body, and no one can relate to mine"
175 "I feel confident. I do not think about my body most of the time. I always want to get stronger for baseball"
145 "I love my body because I know that I take care of it and that I am healthy, but being an athlete I always want my body to be the strongest it can be no matter what it looks like."
105 "I've struggled with my body image, but I've come to realize how I feel about my body is determined by my perception, not my actual weight. The things I perceive as flaws are just another part of who I am" 
150 "It's taken me a long time to truly love my body and I'm not even 100% there yet but I love myself and accept myself as I am as opposed to who society wants/ideally I would be also. Also my curves are rockin'"
130 "I don't mind my body. Sometimes I think my stomach is too squishy or my thighs are too large when I sit down but I try to be confident. Certain aspects of myself I really like. Only sometimes are there little things I tend to obsess over like my chin or my hands"
176 "I love my body but I'm still trying to get a six pack for the ladies. I wish I was taller though because then my body fat will stretch out (I think). I hate how I'm so strong but I still have injuries all the time" 
170 "I am comfortable with my body because I am actually built for certain events. I enjoy having broad shoulders and I use my shoulders to defend my chin and face"
180 "When I see myself I see that I am fat, and if I could, I would want to have like the fit male abs, but I realize that I can't really get that. So I guess I have to accept the way I am"
163 "My arms and back I like but the crease between my shoulders is weird and thats the only thing I dislike"
130 "Overall I'm pretty content with my body. There are a few things I would like to change, which I'm doing by working out but some things I've just learned to embrace."
176 "I look in the mirror and I use to not like what I saw but now I do. I like my arms, my red hair, my legs, all of it."
163 "I love my body. Society influences me to want to look a different way but as long as I am healthy I love the way I look. I feel like if I can run for 10 minutes without stopping I am in good enough shape and my body is just how I want it"
105 "I definitely don't have the "ideal" body, no matter my weight. I don't have any curves to speak of (unless you count my deformed rib that sticks out) I have 7 major scars. 7 on my left side. But? I don't care. I've com to terms with my body. I know that I can look good when I want to, why stress about something I can't change?
130 "1. Sometimes I like my body sometimes I don't. 2. I like my shoulder blades. 3. I like my bra"
122 "I feel that sometimes I'm too boney, but I do love myself for who I am I've accepted myself for always being long and lanky and slowly growing into a strong woman" 
157 "Feel pretty good still trying to lose some fat to get more lean. Working out 6 days a week" 
109 "I honestly have mixed feelings about my body. I am called 'petite' but sometimes I don't feel that way. I used to be much more insecure and neurotic about myself. I remember that I used to hate my knees. Weird but slowly I have accepted my knees, my thighs, that spot on my stomach that never seems to budge. I focus on my good habits, and try not to complain. Some days are better than most and I try to take care of my body."
128 "I always feel like I can improve my body but being a vegetarian, it's hard to keep a healthy diet. I'm content with who I am but I know my boy could be better"
106 "I'm content with my body. I can walk around confidently. I don't have a problem with it. For the most part I will be okay with it. There will always be something I would like to change but I'm okay with what I have. I don't stress over it or get bothered by it. I am ok with my body" 
The body project; "How do you feel about your body?"
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The body project; "How do you feel about your body?"

We as a society define people by their bodies and I want to confront the trend of putting so much emphasis on a number that gives no hint at body 詳細を表示

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