Elene Shengelia's profile



The brand name "Tsulukidze Wine-Yard", produces premium quality Khvanchkara and Aleksandrouli. The vineyard is ecologically clean and located in the micro zone of Ambrolauri region, village Akhalsopeli. There are only two species of grapes grown: Aleksandrouli and Mujuretuli. The wine is made in a Kvevri with natural filtration, which keeps the unique flavor and characteristic of the location. For the family winemaking and vineyards are sacred, and they keep centuries-old wine cellar left from the ancestors and having the secret know how of winemaking.
2019 is the company’s first bottling year.Their winemaker is the oldest head of the family Tsulukidze - Zura who has his own unique know-how and leads the methodology left by the ancestors. It is his first public step in wine industry, though he is not a professional wine technician even, though in the International Kvevri Wine Competition Pure Aleksandrouli from Racha by Tsulukidze Wine-Yards got a bronze medal – which is a very big step taken forward into the huge wine industry.

Decanter Awards jury member, the famous wine writer and the author of the Vinologue series Miquel Hudinnotes that  wine has distinctive and long-lasting aroma of cranberries and cherry tones, and adds, that even the some of the great and experienced wine companies would have had to wish to have the same quality of acidity like Tsulukidze Wine-Yards Aleksandrouli has. 

“We will do our best to keep our winemaking traditions and push up the standards. Our vineyards are 100% natural and pure. At this moment the quantity is limited but for the next vintage we are going to purchase the nearby vineyards and grapes around us and help our village community to stabilize their economies and will work to push them into the processes interms to create the real Rachvelian wine makers community”.


"Tsulukidze wine-Yard" – an emotion created by a bare hand!



