Profilo di Jennifer Wu

WORLDZ Summit Conference

W O R L D Z   S U M M I T
WORLDZ is a summit conference course that connects you to senior marketers and leaders across various industries who are shaping our future through their work. The attendees are able to have one-on-one mentorships, attend courses and learn the skills needed to thrive in a constantly changing world.

Furthermore, many top-tier brands are invited to WORLDZ to setup booth, represent their company, pass out swag, and expand their audience.
M Y   R O L E
Graphic Designer for large print formats (signage, banners), web formats (email-marketing, website, presentations, banners), clippings for video content, and anything graphic-related to tie in the whole 2018 conference together: Chasing True North
E V E N T   P H O T O S
S W A G  G R A B
WORLDZ Summit Conference

WORLDZ Summit Conference
