Stephanie Farias profilYago Ballarinis profil

Flesh Pinball Pitch Bible

"Flesh Pinball" is our undergraduate thesis project and consists of a Pitch Bible for an animated series. A Pitch Bible is a document that exemplifies the look and feel of a production and it is in itself a way to present the idea in a complete and lively way for possible investors or production companies. In this case, the Pitch Bible is a compilation of the premise of the show; a log line; synopsis; full character arcs, description and design; plans for complete seasons and episodes breakdowns; concept and key art and full scripts for the pilot.
A special part in the development was the characters creation. After immersing ourselves in the arcs and lore attached to each character, the challenge was to express the personality and feel of said characters on a visual level while maintaining shapes and volumes clear enough to be displayed in motion. Traits such as disproportionate anatomy being associated with goofy personas or pointy silhouettes demonstrating "edgy" personalities were employed as well. The process would begin with the definition of a specific and characteristic silhouette for each one of them and culminating on costume and object designs.

From the first bare bones idea, we went through the development of different character arcs, world building, world lore, visual conceptualization, market analysis and different references of previously approved pitch-bibles, the whole process took roughly a year. Our research and graduation in Design paid off in a huge way regarding the character design and visual development of the animation in general, focusing on the design process such as a colossal amount of sketches, drafts and constant improvement of the look and feel of the show.

Flesh Pinball Pitch Bible

Flesh Pinball Pitch Bible

"Flesh Pinball" is our undergraduate thesis project and consists on a Pitch Bible for an animated series.



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