Profil użytkownika „Gabriela Spasova / Gaba Creative /”

Мога Там Искам Тук Campaign Vol.2

"Мога Там Искам Тук" 

has been one of TELUS International Europe's most successful recruitment campaigns for the last couple of years so we decided to make a new digital activation of it for which we worked with the digital agency "PROOF" and the production company "BASHMOTION". 

The original campaign itself had a purpose of inviting Bulgarians who live abroad to come back and work in their home country and rethink the idea that Bulgaria isn't a good place to succeed and grow professionally. And TELUS International Europe, being an innovative and prosperous company, serving in this quest as a perfect place where they could start their new career. 

For this activation we had to come up with something new and fresh in order to draw more people's attention to the campaign so "PROOF" had a brilliant idea to ask foreigners living and working in Bulgaria to invite Bulgarians who are abroad to come back home because as the slogan goes "Добра оферта е!" or "It's a good offer!". They proposed to film 50 people from different countries to participate in a short movie which showed them talking what they liked about our country and why they chose to stay here. The movie was promoted all across our social media channels and various media. 

The filming and photoshoots of the people was made by "BASHMOTION" and some of the movies you can see here and the rest at the TELUS International Europe's YouTube channel. 

From our side I was responsible for the design of the key visuals and overall vision across the different media. 

Have a look : ) 

Key visuals

1st main video 

2nd main video

Мога Там Искам Тук Campaign Vol.2

Мога Там Искам Тук Campaign Vol.2
