Just some UI concepts I am playing with. May or may not be used.
We'll see.
Search UI:
Working on a concept for "smart search" that would be used on internal applications. Along with the live queries like google, it would direct people to specific parts of the site based on their query.
In this case: 
The user is searching the site for fitness routines. The search can then check the query against their profile to see if they have used the fitness product, enrolled in a program, and have a untracked workout. 
If the user has not activated the fitness product to their profile, the call to action would change to something like enroll or create a workout. 
Antoher example, possibly? This one uses previous site interaction to populate the sprk application text. E.g. If the user reads a whole bucket of posts on starting a business, the sprk.education text would advertise those classes. 
Got it?
UI Concepts

UI Concepts

Working of some templates ideas.

