Perfil de deadline lab

陈奕迅歌曲字体设计合(一) *Typeface of Eason’s Songs #1

出于对陈奕迅的喜爱,我打算将他原唱的歌曲的歌名设计一遍,这也是对自己设计能力的一种提升; 灵感主要来源歌词或者歌曲的表达出情绪,还有就是根据字面意思来设计。以下就是第一部分,谢谢。 

Actually, I’m a big fan of Eason Chan, and I made the decision to create a new typeface for his songs. all of the inspiration comes from the emotion of the songs or lyrics. okay, this is the vol.1 and hope u enjoy it!
陈奕迅歌曲字体设计合(一) *Typeface of Eason’s Songs #1
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陈奕迅歌曲字体设计合(一) *Typeface of Eason’s Songs #1

实际上,我是陈奕迅的忠实拥护者,因此决定为他的歌曲创建新的字体。所有的灵感都来自歌曲或歌词的情感。 好的,这是第一卷,希望您喜欢! Actually, I’m a big fan of Eason Chan, and I made the decision to create a new Ver mais

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