Final Costume - London College of Fashion, Year 2 - Project:  Interview with a Vampire by Anne Rice 
Final Costume - London College of Fashion, Year 2 - Project:  Interview with a Vampire by Anne Rice 
Costume Making - London College of Fashion, Year 2 - Project:  Interview with a Vampire by Anne Rice 
Costume Making - London College of Fashion, Year 2 - Project:  Interview with a Vampire by Anne Rice 
Costume Making - London College of Fashion, Year 2 - Project:  Interview with a Vampire by Anne Rice 
Costume Toile - London College of Fashion, Year 2 - Project:  Interview with a Vampire by Anne Rice 
Costume Toile - London College of Fashion, Year 2 - Project:  Interview with a Vampire by Anne Rice 
Costume Toile - London College of Fashion, Year 2 - Project:  Interview with a Vampire by Anne Rice 
Costume Design- London College of Fashion, Year 2 - Project:  Interview with a Vampire by Anne Rice 
Interview with the Vampire, LCF, Year 2

Interview with the Vampire, LCF, Year 2

London College of Fashion Year 2: Tailoring and Character Desing project. Book: Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice
