Profilo di Murmure •

Trempo s2018

Trempo, campus musical et plateforme d’accompagnement à Nantes, a une nouvelle fois renouvelé sa confiance en Murmure pour réaliser la direction artistique de la saison 2018.

Client: Trempolino
Year: 2018
For this new edition, Murmure is prolonging the typographical work that was initiated when the global identity was redesigned in 2017.
A resolutely digital art direction based on specific wording closely related to the place’s activity. 
Playful and contemporary letterpress
Play­ing on the sound and com­pos­i­tion of words with a seri­al res­ult of vari­ous pos­sible com­pos­i­tions for one same word.
A pop col­our range work­ing in a duo­tone effect under­lines the fixed com­pos­i­tion pro­cess.
A graphic solution that works both on printed as on digital formats
This year once again, all our advert­ising mater­i­als will be prin­ted in part­ner­ship with the paper­maker Fed­rig­oni.
A prin­ciple of infin­ite com­pos­i­tions that enables a play between typo­graphy and pho­to­graphy.
Using black and white on cer­tain advert­ising mater­i­als enables us not only to reduce print­ing expenses, but also to show­case the work that has been done on the typo­graph­ic­al com­pos­i­tion.
Murmure has come up a rich and singular art direction
Pla­cing word­ing and exchange with the Trempo team once again at the heart of the cre­at­ive pro­cess.
Thanks for watching 

Trempo s2018

Trempo s2018

Trempo, the music cam­pus and sup­port hub in Nantes, has once again entrus­ted Murmure with its art dir­ec­tion for the 2018 sea­son.
