DOL DOL 的個人檔案

FICO Extreme giant fishing brand ' ROOSTER fish'


Extreme giant fishing brand
' ROOSTER fish'
illustration  - Procreate & iPad Pro 
fashion graphic design & 
Snowboard deck Graphic application
designed by DOLODL 

Fico is an extreme angler elephant.

Name : Roosterfish 
Scientific name: nematisrius pectoralis
is a game fish found in the warmer waters
of the east pacific fron baja california to peru 
it is the only species in the genus nematistius and
the family 

rooster fish can reach over 1.6m (5ft 3in) in length 
weight: 50kg the fish is popular as a game fish 

Fico is an extreme angler elephant.
He is an elephant with strong strength and endurance.
There is also a unique fishing sense.
He sets the goal of catching the largest fish in the world.
But he is a starter.
He needs help.
He buys a little boat from a port in the United States.
I meet good friends and competitors there.
fico has a special ability.
He can feel the vibrations of fish in his nose.
The fish he catches are fairly rough and aggressive.
It grows through the fight with the fishes.
It also competes with competitors.
To catch the biggest fish in the world
Fico's wonderful fishing story begins.
designed by DOLDOL

FICO Extreme giant fishing brand ' ROOSTER fish'

FICO Extreme giant fishing brand ' ROOSTER fish'

FICO  Extreme giant fishing brand ' ROOSTER fish'
