Профиль Alexandre Bouillé

Test-Eutypa project for the Cognac vineyard protection

How to protect the Cognac vineyard 
The Test-Eutypa project
I share you here a part of my internship work at the BNIC (Bureau National Interprofessionel du Cognac) at Cognac, made during my first year "Plants and Society" master degree at the Poitiers University in France.
Experimental BNIC vines field 
Cognac vine field
Old terroir vine 
Vineyard decline is due to a lot of biotic and abiotic factors. One of them in Cognac is Eutypiosis. Aggressed by Eutypa lata fungus, the vine is damage inside its wood resulting in the death of the vine a decade post infection. During the incubation time, a yield lost is occurring at the field scale, but is not visible at the plant scale, because of the internal trunk attack. However, sometimes appear some visible symptoms, shown hereinafter.
Leaves necrosis
Branch devitalized by fungus blockade in trunk
Vines material
Culture chamber - Phytotron
Greenhouse experimental cultures
Fungus supply
Eutypa lata (Diatrypaceae) cultures in Petri dish
Some melanin spots appear during the aging of the Petri dish cultures
Liquid cultures process for Eutypa lata
Symptomatology efficience analysis procedure of vine trunk fragments
How to mimic vine eutypiosis agression in laboratori to analyse it
Drill the vine trunk
Insert a plug of the fungus
Prepare the wax
Add wax on trunk to protect the insert
This kind of work permits to analyse the interaction between the vine and its phytopathogen fungus Eutypa lata.
Vine wood molecular composition 
In an other way, the vine wood wastes are nowadays an new studied source of high added value compounds usable in pharmaceutic, nutraceuticals, cosmeceutical or cosmetic industries. This graphic show you the main compounds find inside the vine wood and their current applications.
Thanks for watching

For contact me : alex.bouille@laposte.net
Test-Eutypa project for the Cognac vineyard protection

Test-Eutypa project for the Cognac vineyard protection

To restore the French vineyard it's require to make research on vine and its phytopathogens. In that context, i've participate at the Test-Eutypa Развернуть

