Yara Halawi sin profil

Timeline || The Evolution of Communication

Timeline: The Evolution of Communication 
University Project - 

A mural of an infographic timeline about the evolution of communication from cave paintings to emojis. A timeline that starts from 35000 BCE and ends with modern time. 

The timeline is composed of a dotted grid that was filled with colors that represent each evolution and its duration. Also these dots are sometimes removed to be replaced with either images or description of how the communication used to function.  

The dates are present at the bottom end of the timeline, while the above colored dots represent the overlapping evolutions along the years.

Another point worth mentioning is iconography which was developed based on a monoline system and dissected into different  categories such as surfaces, tools, and continents.
Game Box || Visual Communication 

A game box was also designed to reflect this timeline in a simpler manner. 

The box was composed of two games, a questionnaire as well as a puzzle. 
The questionnaire was created to test your knowledge about the topic. 

On one side you had the questions while the other side had the answers through icons which are explained in the mini leaflet. 

As for the double sided puzzle, it was meant to be played by placing the names of the evolutions next to each other and then checking if the dates are correct on the other side. 
Timeline || The Evolution of Communication

Timeline || The Evolution of Communication
