R  H  I  Z  O  M  E  S    S  E  R  I  E
P  A  R  T   3

R H I Z O M E  (from the ancient Greek "rhízōma" – "rootstock") is a nonlinear system of bonds, extending simultaneously in all directions and is infinite in its essence. One of the principles of such a system is the principle of vaccination, where each part of the rhizome can be combined with any other. The term comes from botany, where it denotes some types of plants’ rootstocks. 

The concepts are based on the principles of manifoldness and endlessness, the absence of a hierarchy, the possibility of all combinations and choices, the unimportance of gapsand cracks, confrontation with stable linear connections in existence and thinking. The configuration of rhizomes has neither the end nor a center;it is a constantly pulsating and dynamic system with temporary stable zones, the so-called plateaus. Also, rhizome is considered as a type of labyrinth (for example, Umberto Eco’s "The Name of the Rose").

O  I  L     O  N     C  A  N  V  A  S
S T I G M A T A  1  |  1 0 0 x 1 3 0 c m  |  2 0 1 6
S T I G M A T A  2  |  1 0 0 x 1 3 0 c m  |  2 0 1 6
I N N E R  C O R E  |  9 0 x 9 0 c m  |  2 0 1 9
O U T E R  C O R E  |  9 0 x 9 0 c m  |  2 0 1 9

RHIZOMES | part 3

RHIZOMES | part 3
