Perfil de Jacob Moles

Creative Infographic

Creative Infographic
Pac-Man and Fossil Fuels
This project was the final project for a Leadership and Innovation class of my Junior year, Fall 2019.  I was able to choose between a 5-Page APA paper, a PowerPoint Presentation, or an Infograpic.  The included explanation of the infographic was the supporting document with the final project to explain to the professor what all went into my final project.  The document was done in APA format, so the references are in said format.
Pac-Man: The Fossil Everyone Loves

The infographic takes the viewer through a brief display of information and statistics relating to fossil fuels and the importance of using them.  To give both sides of the fence, the infographic also mentions the biggest threats fossil fuels are facing on the side for and against them.  However, the infographic tries to stay in an objective space while also seeing the potential and room for growth in using fossil fuels in the future.​​​​​​​

The Theme of Pac-Man and its usage in the infographic is the eye catcher for any would be viewers looking on.  Once the viewer is looking at the infographic, the data and statements included are collected from several sources and summarized to give the most concise view of the facts.  The outlook and conclusion are from the designer of the infographic who tried to merely look at the facts and see what the future holds for fossil fuels.  The references at the end of this post include everything for the necessary references for this project, the designer's research from the web, and any reference images, objects, or icons used in the infographic itself.
With the designer wanting to add another item to their portfolio, taking the infographic route in this project allowed to check off two things at once:  Complete the innovation leadership project using a creative way to display the research while also challenging the designer on how to portray the data.  Such an infographic should be a good addition to their portfolio.

One more thing of note, with the infographic talking about fossil fuels, using Pac-Man as the driving force of the theme plays to the idea of “fossil.”  Meaning, Pac-Man is a very old game from the standards of video game players.  It is one of the first and still regarded as one of the best video games ever made.  Making the correlation from Pac-Man to fossil fuels creates a fun and enjoyable image while dealing with a serious and controversial issue.  If more people could look at a topic in the light of positive and objective way, quicker paths to solutions would be found while having understanding on all sides involved.
Brutschin, E., & Fleig, A. (2016). Innovation in the energy sector – The role of fossil fuels and developing 
          economies. Energy Policy, 97, 27–38. doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2016.06.041.
Case Studies: The Impacts of Extracting and Burning Natural Gas. (n.d.). Retrieved December 15, 2019, from 

Epstein, A. (2020). Moral Case for Fossil Fuels. S.l.: Portfolio Penguin.
Foster, J. (2014). Energy, knowledge and economic growth. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 24(2), 209–238. doi:
McGraw, S. (2017, November 14). The 10 Most Controversial Claims About Fracking. Retrieved December 15, 2019, 
Pac-Man Ghosts Color Palette Image Format. (n.d.). Retrieved December 15, 2019, from

Pac-Man. Original Arcade, Namco (1980). Reverse-Engineering, Pittman, J. Remake, Williams, S.  Retrieved December
          15, 2019, from
Pac-Man Ghosts. (2019, February). Retrieved December 15, 2019, from
Pac-Man. Iwatani, T., & Funaki, S. (1980, May 22). Retrieved from
Pac-Man Yellow Color Palette Image Format. (n.d.). Retrieved December 15, 2019, from

Saksena, S. (2014, May 7). Sustainable resource accounting: a case study of the fossil fuel sector. Retrieved December
          15, 2019, from
Shwartz, M. (2017, November 3). Future of energy: Cleaner fossil fuels. Retrieved December 15, 2019, from

Wang, T. (2019, August 22). Topic: U.S. Fossil Fuel Consumption. Retrieved December 15, 2019, from

Webster, S. (2013, March 25). Namco Bandai releases Pac-Man Tournaments. Retrieved December 15, 2019, from

Wegener, M. (2013). The future of mobility in cities: Challenges for urban modelling. Transport Policy, 29, 275–282. doi:
Creative Infographic


Creative Infographic

PacMan: The Fossil Everyone Loves An infographic creatively using PacMan to talk about Fossil Fuels and their future in innovation and leadership Leer más
