English Nursery Rhymes - diacritics in english

This work was created for a Typographic conference held in Prague. The topic of this conference were diacritics in european languages and so I decided to add diacritics to one language in Europe that hasn´t got them - to English. 
There is a system of accents and letters I put in work in these famous English nursery rhymes. I also illustrated them and finaly made a cover and bound the book. 
Please feel free to enjoy some visible samples of this unusual accented english. It can be learnt and therefore is easier to read as you read more of them. 
If anybody would like to have a PDF copy of the whole book, feel free to contact me. I would be happy to share it with you.
Here is illustrated my process of making of illustrations I have used in the book.
English Nursery Rhymes - diacritics in english

English Nursery Rhymes - diacritics in english

This book was designed for typographic conference with theme of diacritics held in 2012 by Prague College. I created a system of diacritics for e 자세히 보기
