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Vicente - Animated Typeface

Vicente - Animated Typeface
Vicente is an eclectic display typeface with an abundance of color and smooth motion. It offers a nice balance between thick and thin lines, and challenges the reader with its unusual shapes. It has a 6-color palette but works equally well when this is brought back to 3 or 4 colors for a simpler aesthetic.

Customizable Features
• 6 colors
• stroke width

Multi-color Static Typeface
The static version is a multicolor SVG-typeface made with FontSelf. It is compatible with several browsers and Adobe apps. Find out more about compatibility at

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Type design by
Animation by Jeroen Krielaars

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Vicente - Animated Typeface

Vicente - Animated Typeface

Vicente is an eclectic animated typeface with an abundance of color and smooth motion. It offers a nice balance between thick and thin lines, and 閱讀更多
