This is for the nights we spent sleeping on the phone. Oh I love hearing those snores of yours 'cause I feel closer to you.

This is for the days that I badly wanted to see you but cannot, for there are things that we can't do.

This is for the holidays and birthdays that I can't even celebrate with you and sometimes can't even talk to.

This is for the times that I spent with you for I cherish all of it inside my heart.

We cried and laugh, get mad and reconcile, been crazy and had fun, break up and break down, tried and tested but dear, we endured it all together. Yes! together.

We survive love! and whatever happens we will survive again. 

I will love you always and forever, and I will trust on us and on our love.

You are dearly loved by my heart.


-Lynn Panado
Dearly loved

Dearly loved

This Projects is dedicated to the love of my life. 愛してるよ
