‘ E N D  O F  T H E  Y E A R ’ ⠀⠀

I cannot believe the year is almost over, this has been one of the most challenging ones.

Back in January, all I wanted was to do what I loved the most which was creating. I did not expect it to be that hard. I love drawing, doing photography as much as videography and many other things. My main challenge was to do one of those at least once every week and I did it, I was proud of myself but not satisfied. With time passing by, I was constantly comparing myself to others/focusing on likes&followers till June. It demotivated me really fast.

By all means, people were better than me because they have been practicing for years so I had to stop. I created this new account and I feel so much peace. There is not the « best » art but the best of your art exists. If you love something, trust yourself and enjoy your journey.
end of the year

end of the year


Creative Fields