Jieying Zengs profil

AUŔE: a Furnitecture

AUŔE: a Furnitecture
National University of Singapore (2018)
Platform by ​​​​​​​Ash Yeo

Designed with Jia'en Ngieng
AUŔE is a multi-contextual furnitecture that can be quickly deployed and transformed to proliferate to a myriad of context and uses. Her creation was sparked by the combinatorial play between 4 confluent architypes: windows, wall partitions, shelves and tables.

What if "Un-covered" wall partitions are "Co-extended shelves"?
What if "De-constructed" wall partitions are "Mis-construed" tables?
What if "Di-lated shelves are "Un-derstated" windows?

By accommodating extensions such as drawers and lipstick racks for cosmetics, she affords the proliferation of contexture propensities such as homes, offices, retail, airports, bars, social events and etcetera. 

AUŔE: a Furnitecture

AUŔE: a Furnitecture
