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Singapore Zoo Iphone App

For our interface design module, we were handed an assignment that required us to design an ipad and kiosk application for users. We were able to choose from 2 options, the Singapore Zoo and the Maritime Museum - Sea Aquarium.

I chose Singapore Zoo and my target audience was families with children.
Language Option Page
- Home page
Main Navigation Page
Sub-navigation page under "Animcals"
Animals from "Exhibit"
Example of a detailed page of an animal chosen
Map of the Singapore Zoo
Animal Show timings
An example of a detailed Show Timing chosen
Other Infomations about the Singapore Zoo
Opening Hours
View a demo of the app here:
Only certain options are clickable for demo purposes
Singapore Zoo Iphone App
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Singapore Zoo Iphone App

For our interface design module, we were handed an assignment that required us to design an ipad and kiosk application for users. We were able to Daha Fazla Bilgi

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